- Marc Jikan Brookhuis
4 & 2 was founded in 2003 by zen teacher Marc Jikan Brookhuis. Marc Brookhuis graduated in the science of Public Administration in the 1990s, specializing in Crisis Management. Both during and after his study he immersed himself in a broad sense, including studying Personality Psychology, Western and Eastern Philosophy with an emphasis on Zen Buddhism.
Marc started his Zen practice in the mid-90s with Zen teacher Willem Kando Scheepers (Zentrum Utrecht, The Netherlands), he became an assistant of Willem Scheepers and practiced Koan study with him. He was also appointed a Zen Buddhist by Willem Scheepers through the Jukai ceremony where he was given the dharma name Jikan.
Sinds 2005 werkt Marc als mental coach en zen-leraar en geeft diverse cursussen zoals Zen & Zang, Zen & YinYoga en Zen & Boogschieten. Marc heeft diverse boeken geschreven zoals “Mindfulness – aandacht voor nu”, “Meer mindfulness”, “Onafhankelijk Denken”, “Zen, verhalen uit het Oosten” en “Zen en de kunst van kwaliteit”. Klik hier voor een overzicht van al zijn boeken.
See also his LinkedIN status: LinkedIn
- Clients
Our clients range from individuals and companies to government agencies. At the bottom of this page you'll find some testimonials from clients who have worked with Marc Brookhuis as a zen teacher or mental coach.
- Our partners
4 & 2 works with a large group of coaches and teachers who are deployed per course / training. In addition, works 4 & 2 together with Zentrum Utrecht, Volkshogeschool Terschelling, Schloss Weinberg (Austria) and OperaopZak.
- Our name
What does 4 & 2 mean? 42, or "Fourty Two, is the answer to life, the universe and everything", according to writer Douglas Adams (The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy); A book that plays fantastically with reality, reflection and existentialism. 4 & 2 also refers to six or 6. Sometimes 4 and 2 is 6. Nothing more, nothing less. A zen answer.
- Chamber of Commerce
4 & 2 is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 27347301.
Marc Brookhuis in the documentaries 'Zen in Singing' (2016) and 'Zen and Archery' (2009)