
Zendo, Rurikouin tempel Kyoto4 & 2 offers an extensive program of training and courses. A large number are based on Zen and mindfulness, but we also offer courses in body awareness, philosophy, and creativity.

See the links below for an impression:

- Documentary of "Zen, Singing and Acting": “Zen in Zang – Oft bin ich mir kaum bewusst”

- Documentary of "Zen and Archery" (Dutch): “Zen, Zijn en Boogschieten”

– Radio documentary of "Zen and Singing" (in Dutch): “Zen en Zang”



Our courses are divided into these categories: .

  • Zen
  • Body awareness
  • Creativity / Drama
  • Philosophy
  • Companies

Most programs have a duration of 3 to 5 days. The number of days can, in some cases, be changed if necessary. The minimum group size is 5 people, maximum 15. Experienced coaches are used for each program. On the page More details some programs are explained in more detail.

It is recommended to plan your course some time in advance. For information or registration, see: Contact.  


Zen and Minfdulness

Mindfulness is very popular nowadays. It is used, among other things, as a remedy for stress and depression. The basis of Mindfulness lies in Zen Buddhism. Both subjects are central in this program. Attention to the world of Zen, and Mindfulness. The program covers various Here and Now exercises as well as specific Zen themes. The book “Mindfulness, back to the here and now” serves as the basis of this course.

Zen and Archery

An introduction to the world of Zen and archery, based on the book “Zen in the art of archery” (Herrigel). The art of archery is to reach that state where you no longer shoot the arrow, but where the arrow shoots itself. Of course, this requires years of training, but a foundation is laid in this course. For an impression of this training see this short documentary (in Dutch): “Zen, Zijn en Boogschieten”

Zen and Quality 

A course in which the theme of Quality is central. What does it really mean? We explore this theme, using also Zen Buddhism, to get a better idea of ​​Quality and the way in which we can use it in our life and work. In addition to meditation exercises and discussions, participants are invited to look for the Quality in their own lives. Where can you find it? Or, where is it missing? The book “Zen and the art of quality” (Pirsig) serves as the basis of this course.

Zen and Singing

Classical singing requires a certain control of the body, so a concentration inwards. At the same time, as soon as the voice is heard, there is communication and there is a concentration outwards. This balance is extremely difficult. The beauty of singing is that everyone has his or her own sound, but how do you find the right balance? One way is Zen meditation. In Zen it is the art to pay attention to the here and now, and to be spontaneous. Zen learns, among other things, to view the flow of thoughts from a distance, to let go of judgments, and to keep your own flow or energy going. This course, intended for classical singers, focuses on Zen but also on acting and singing. For an impression, see this radio documentary (in Dutch):  “Zen en Zang” or the documentary  “Zen in Zang – Oft bin ich mir kaum bewusst”.

Body awareness


YinYoga is a new kind of yoga that is gaining more and more attention. YinYoga was developed by Paul Grilley who connects Taoism, Tantra and Chakra meditation. YinYoga offers space to let the many stimuli of daily life be for a while, and to practice yoga with peace and attention. YinYoga is a slow form of yoga in which improving the Chi, or letting the Chi flow, is central. By stimulating the meridians through which Chi flows, we improve the functioning of our organs, help our immune system and ensure an overall better well-being.


In this training, participants are guided in a safe environment towards correct and relaxed breathing. Proper breathing is very important to function properly. Incorrect breathing can cause all kinds of complaints, among other things because a disturbed blood circulation arises in the body. If we regain the proper relaxation of breathing, a good foundation is laid for optimal health.

Theatre & Drama

From nothing to something

From Nothing to Something is a theatre program in which a performance is built up from scratch in a playful way. On the basis of improvisation exercises, participants are challenged in the theatre game. Participants learn to let go, without holding themselves down. The internal critical voice is turned off for a moment, so play can arise openly and freely. The program is ideal to broaden your own behavior, to play a different role in life and to discover possible hidden talents. In addition to theatre-making, participants mainly learn a lot about themselves.


Be a philosopher yourself

An introduction to the world of philosophy with an emphasis on one's own thinking. Participants are challenged to ask questions and come up with possible answers. In addition, attention is paid to philosophical themes, argumentation and presuppositions in communication and debate. The book “Independent Thinking” serves as the basis of this course.

Socratic conversation

The Socratic Conversation takes its name from the philosopher Socrates who tried to find out the truth by asking questions. Today, the Socratic conversation is used as an extensive group-oriented research based on a concrete question. Think of specific questions such as: Should our companies / institutions work together more closely?


All training courses described above are also organized for compagnies. Below you will find a few more open programs, specifically aimed at the business community.


We also organize team-building workshops for companies. The emphasis can be on concrete casuistry but also on matters such as team building. The content is compiled in joint consultation. In the case of concrete casuistry (theme), conversations are held with the help of an experienced coach, and reflections are made on possible underlying tensions.

Reflection by walking

This is an open program, the content of which can be filled in as desired. The idea is to undertake hiking tours in the great outdoors as a team, together with a coach (in the Netherlands, Germany or Belgium). It is suitable for alternative forms of brainstorming, team building, vision determination, etc. The underlying idea is that we often think more clearly when we are physically active, as described by the Dutch psychologist Piet Vroon in his work on serial and parallel thinking. The walking tours are composed in such a way that they are physically possible for everyone.

Personal skills

This program is about working on personal skills. This includes concrete matters such as public speaking, giving presentations, chairing meetings, or providing leadership in general. The training consists of conversations and exercises and takes place in 1-on-1 sessions.