Over the years, some of our courses have been reported in the press, see Video and Audio. You will also find several books written by Zen teacher Marc Jikan Brookhuis.
Video & audio
In 2016 a documentary was made about our summer course Zen, Singing and Acting. You can watch this documentary, broadcasted on NPO2 - The Netherlands, here. “Zen in Zang – Of bin ich mir kaum bewusst”.
A documentary was also made of our Zen & Archery course in 2010, see: Zen & Boogschieten.
The B.O.S. (Buddhist Broadcasting Foundation) made a radio documentary (in Dutch) in 2009 of our Zen & Singing course in Amsterdam. Zen & Zang (audio).
An interview with Zen teacher Marc Brookhuis was broadcasted in 2011 by the B.O.S. See the link with excerpts from that interview with topics such as: stage fright, the importance of daily practice and koans: Interview Marc Brookhuis (audio).
Books (Marc Brookhuis)
Marc Brookhuis has written several books on Zen, Mindfulness, Eastern- and Western philosophy.

Mindfulness, back to the here and now
“Brookhuis is a coach and teaches Zen meditation and mindfulness. A small book with chapters such as "Life on Autopilot", "We are not our thinking" and "we are not our feelings". It contains many mindfulness exercises.”
Zen and the Art of Quality
"Zen and the art of quality" gives depth and understanding of an aspect that is important in everyone's life, but which too often, under the pressure of mercantile and economic principles, loses its true meaning."
- Kwinta, Flemish platform for Quality (nowadays called Xelyo)
The Tao of conducting (Jan Stulen)
(Marc Brookhuis wrote the appendix about Taoism)
"But then there is that beautiful Zen koan in which a disciple asks his master what the secret of Buddhism is and he gets the answer," Drink when you are thirsty, eat when you are hungry and sleep when you are sleepy. " It is no different with conducting, and that makes Stulen's book excellent- with two excellent guest contributions by André Presser and Marc Brookhuis on accompanying ballet performances and respectively Taoism - more clear than any other publication on this subject. ”
See the whole review (in Dutch): Tao van dirigeren